GettReviews is a proprietary system we use to turn your own customers into raving fans! While testimonials and survey responses are great for retention, reviews are the most powerful message in driving new customers to your agency.

Most of our competitors in this space focus on a three-pronged approach with reviews at the end of the line, so we’ve adapted a strategy of focusing only on reviews. By doing so we’ve drastically increased the customer response rate, review count, and yielded a higher positive review rate.

Our approach is more passive, so the customer never feels forced or rushed into leaving a review. We’ve also made the process very simple for our agency clients, which is simply just send us a list and we’ll take care of the rest.

By automating this entire process we’ve freed up our clients to focus on what they do best: selling and servicing. In a marketplace where agents are spending double-digit figures on leads, always remember a review has a one-time cost and a lifetime value!