You guys have to check out the newest resource out there for the agency community to find and share information about the greatest industry in the world.

The Insurance Industry Index can be found at and apps are available on both Apple and Google.

The Insurance Index is the largest, best, and most unbiased resource of information on companies and service providers that cater to and focus on the insurance industry. It is built for and with the agency community and will always be free for agents to access.

There are hundreds of listings of tech providers, management systems, podcasts, coaches, and staffing companies along with the largest events calendar available, a growing jobs section, and even an agency forum page where you can discuss best practices or anything related to the insurance industry.

If you are an agent, this should be your go-to resource for information and if you are a service provider you need to reach out to my friend Steve Mohr at or hit him up on LinkedIn or Facebook to make sure your information is up to date on the site.

Once again, you can find the Insurance Industry Index at or the mobile app can be found on both Apple and Google stores.

Contact Insurance Industry Index