Our Vision

We envision the process for buying and comparing professional liability insurance in a different way than it has been offered in the past.  We think our clients should have many choices, and that complex exposures and insurance policies can be offered in a more streamlined and simplified process, giving our clients more choice with less hassle.  Insurance agents and brokers should not have to fill out a long application and wait days or weeks to get a policy that is not the right fit for their client. At ProWriters, we utilize nearly 20 years of insurance experience to streamline the insurance process for agents and brokers and their clients, offering multiple options with little wasted effort.

Our Mission

In order to save time for our agents and brokers, we constantly evaluate and optimize our processes, and update the technology we use.  In our 20 years of experience we have seen all the wasted time in this process at the carrier level, broker level, and client level.  That’s why you see such a focus from us on streamlining the process.

What does this look like?

  • We eliminate unnecessary questions in insurance carrier underwriting manuals – this simplifies the rating process.
  • We remove the need for duplicate data entry with technology – this frees you from the time burden of redundant tasks.
  • We offer underwriting services on behalf of multiple carriers – this means our agents and brokers can go to one place to shop multiple options for their clients.
  • We continually take a step back and reevaluate the systems we have in place – are they working for our agents and brokers? For their clients? For our team?
  • We are invested in the ProWriters mission, it’s supported by management and shows up in our culture – this means we can truly focus on simplifying the insurance process for you.
